OctoberCMS Cartzilla theme documentation EN
Documentation of Cartzilla template (October CMS version)
1 – Homepage

You can configure a lot of things in this template.
In the top bar, you can change the Support phone number, for that go in your dashboard, and customize your theme:

In this section, you will see Many tabs that you can manage:

Change the logo for desktop version and mobile version, if there is no logo, the cartzilla logo will be displayed.

You can change the Phone label and the phone number
You can also add Multiple informations for add scrolling textes in the middle of the top bar:

In the Home tab, you change a lot of things too:
The home slider, you can add infinite slides you need (We recommand to add 3 slides max),
you can move them for change the order to display.

This will be the result
You can also manager the Thumbnail across the slider in this section too:

By changing this:

Like the slider, you can change the order to display this things.
You can also manage the home banners displayed here:

The last section is a texte for the SEO, plus an image.
You can manage theme easily:

In the other tabs (Footer and Contact)
You can manage the bottom of your template and add a google maps on the contact page.

Enought talking about the backend template customizor, we’ve seen previously how to manage a part of the home page, but not all of it.
Featured product:

For displaying trending products on homepage, you can configurate it in the partial: home/featured-products.htm
In the component, you can change the data: